Fall 2019 Availability Due July 30

It is finally time to fill out the A&P form for fall. Heck yes.

Please consider your schedules through the end of the semester and fill out the form by Tuesday, July 30. Make sure you also consider your musician’s family members’ schedules, fall sports, the fall musical, academic competitions, or whatever other pursuits might mess with a regular lesson slot. You can fill out the form separately for each musician or once for several siblings — whatever will be the clearest way to convey your actual availability.

Even if you have told me in an email or face to face, please fill out the form. The info you enter goes directly into a spreadsheet that I can sort. And filter. And nerd out on (which I will definitely do).

The fall schedule runs from August 5 through December 14, including fall break and Halloween* but excluding the holidays listed on the Key Info page.

If you took a minimum of six lessons over the summer, you’ve got a spot for fall. Even if you didn’t, you still might have a spot for fall, so fill out the form to signal your intentions. I’d love to have you if I can possibly mesh our schedules. And I will do my best.

*I usually open up an adjacent Saturday to replace Halloween lessons so my ghouls and goblins can choose to roam the streets on the 31st. Boo!


Registration Closed


Recital 2019 Pictures