When to Do Music

Being a kid is tough, man. So is being eleven or fifteen. And sometimes, it's pretty tough being an adult, too.

The whiplashy nature of life spares no one. Sometimes we can do something about it, and sometimes we can't, but we can always take a moment to put down our various loads and connect to something else through our music. Or maybe you'd fare better by bringing your heavy burden into your music. Do you need to sing the blues alone, or would you prefer to collaborate right now? Maybe you just need to lie on your bed and spin some Bessie Smith records. Or maybe you're happier than you've ever been and everything is simply wonderful at the moment.

In any case, come to music. Come to your music to celebrate, to ease your aches, or just to change up the pace. Connect to humanity or disconnect from it all -- whatever you need.

Bring your life into your music, and your music will radiate life. 

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But I'm Not Going to Be a Professional Musician, You Say


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